D&K On the train

“Now remember, no scaring the passengers” I said.

“Love you, even though you are way too human.  Stop being an adult and enjoy.  We will bring back tales and adventures.  It will be as if you are there .”  Said Kitten as she zipped up her big fluffy jacket and put on her warm boots.  She then hugged me and jumped onto Dragon’s back, ready to go and explore.

Kitten is an interesting creature.  Bossy, yet sweet as can be.  She has never lost her wonder in the world no matter what she has seen.

As the train droned on and the majestic world passed on by and I was safely enclosed in the warm train cabin, thinking about a nap, Dragon, Kitten and Ducky flew in with a flurry of cold air and excitement.

“Oh, we met the Mayor of Telkeena and he invited us in for a new of tea.”  Cried Ducky.

“Oh yes, Mayor Stubbs was ever so wonderful.  Best Mayor in all of the United States!” Giggle Kitten.

“Kitten was jealous of his fur coat.”  Said Dragon with a teasing light in his eye.

“I was not, I just couldn’t imagine how he managed to get it so fluffy.” Kitten looked down at Dragon from her perch on the top of his head.

As I looked in bewilderment at all of them, Ducky decided to help me out.  “Mayor Stubbs is a cat and was elected to the position in Telkeena.  He has never lost an election and was quite gracious to all of us.”

“Oh,” was all I was able to come up with.

“We must be off, we have Lunch plans at Dr. Seuss’ house.  And then the Grizzlies have offered to help us get some honey for our scones.  Love you” Kitten called out as she flew off into the Alaskan wilderness leaving the cold air behind and making me wish I could hop on Dragon’s back and join them.